Friday, May 13, 2005

You see bones- I see an army!!!

I was reading the book Red Moon Rising, which is about the guy who was used by God to start the 24-7 prayer movement in England. It was really challenging, God IS moving in the western church in Europe, America, Australia and New Zealand raising up young people (and old people) to pray. He IS raising up an army out of dry bones an army that is marching to God’s drum beat, and marching on their knees in prayer. He is calling this generation to come to him in a new way, broken, dependant and expectant.
Check out the link 24-7 Prayer.
Then I found out that our church was doing a week of 24-7 prayer. I signed up for the “dawn patrol” 5-6 every morning and a few 4am starts as well, because I felt I needed to come to God and lay my life at his feet in a fresh way. It has been the most amazing and exhausting week of my life. I have gone through every emotion including anger, frustration, peace, acceptance, fear, excitement, exhaustion and relief. I have spent my mornings marching around a prayer room, speaking in tongues, soaking in worship music and lying prostrate on the floor at the foot of the cross staring at the size of ninch inch nails. And I want to do it again. God has spoken to me in a fresh way and challenged me to turn off the cruise control on my life. I have for a number of years now been limiting God to a god (with a small g) made in my image, a god that was a “good luck charm” that blessed me and helped me through hard times, boy is this a limited picture of the Almighty God! I have been assuming that God will bless me without consulting God in my life and waiting on him. God has challenged me with Joshua 3:3-5 which is talking about the Israelites on the bank of the River Jordon, God lead the ark of the covenant (representing his presence) through their camp and asked them to follow, BUT they where not to come within 1000 yards of the ark (except the Levities carrying the ark). Then he commands them “to consecrate your selves for tomorrow I am going to do amazing things.” (v5)
To me this was a challenge that I (and many other individuals, as well as the corporate western church) had tried to take the ark of the covenant (God's presence) and carry it where we wanted, to bend God to our will. But that is not at all biblical we are to follow God’s presence. Specifically I had made up my mind on where I wanted to go next year. I have the best opportunity to be used by God and here I was making my mind up BY MYSELF, without consulting God. The story of Joshua challenged me that we need to do things his way even when they sound daft (like yelling at walls, and sending half your army home!). This was not the only area God challenged me, but it was the major one.
I think the whole thing comes from the idea that we can create a limited, comfortable, safe God that won’t shake us and challenge us, and we have in the west and I personally have. But this is not the God of the bible; who led Daniel into a lions den, asked Abraham to sacrifice his promised son, gave Paul a “thorn in his flesh”, ruined Job and allowed the Babylonians to take the Israelites into captivity. Why? Because he wanted to teach them to be dependent on him for everything. So I have been challenged to lay my plains at his feet and dedicate this opportunity to him, a chance to do his will rather than mine, and to teach me to be dependent on him for everything. I emplore you to read the book it will seriuosly change your life and your perspective of God, prayer and the Holy Spirit.


Blogger Michelle said...

hey thats so cool, Steve... Go God, eh!

2:19 PM  
Blogger Pete said...

Hi Random guy here. I read the book tooand was also inspired to get down on my knees. I needed to listen to what God is saying in these days. I've read 'The Vision And The Vow' also by Pete Greig. It gives a back ground as to why he thinks like he does and more of his personal story with his wife's illness.
I believe that God is on the move in a more pwerful way than at any other time in history and that the 24/7 movement has played a big part in stirring Gods heart and our hunger for Him and His ways. Ther is now a 24/7 prayer room here in the middle of Belfast City centre. i am looking forward to seeing what He will do thru this.
god bless yopu for your passion.
Random guy (Pete)

12:53 AM  

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