Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Hey Everbody

I see everbody is getting into the Blog thing, so being a band wagon kinda guy i jumped on. I am enjoying my time in Waimate High School doing the student teacher thing. I have year 8, 9 and 10 social studies classes (Form 2,3 and 4 )and Year 11 and 12 History.
My year 12 History has only two students and they are both exhange studetns. I am really enjoying it all thoug it is REALLY COLD and isolated. I am also applying for jobs all around NZ so need pray on this one.
Oh and a big thank you to my fan club (Estie, Ruth, Nathan and Michelle) who came to hear my preaching debut and came back to my families place and made embarrasing suggestions in front of my grandma (Michelle). I really appreciated you guys coming and supporting me you rock. Woody says Hi as well.

laters from Steve-a-sauras