Sunday, September 18, 2005

Eat your ham Tina!

Meet my pet Lama, Tina, she likes ham :) . The website also has penguins (so you won’t have to do a jig) cats, dogs, hamsters on wheels and fish that you can feed.

My Nemesis

I have identified my nemesis. On Saturday night he caused me grief and humiliation by revealing my weakness and much laughter from my peers ensued. He lives in a box of metallic evil. Many people enjoy his presence, especially when friends are gathered, but not me I shall avoid my nemesis now that I have identified him. My nemesis is Singstar!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Business Proposal

Hey all, I have a business proposal for all those Home* fans out there. I want some Home* gear but I don’t want to pay high shipping costs. So here is the plan I gather together some orders for Home* gear clothes, hats, bumper stickers etc and ship it as one order and save on shipping. If you multiply the prices on the Home* site by about 1.5 this will give you the price in NZ and no profit margin for me. So if you want some Home* gear please contact me or comment on this post with the product number and quantity in the next few weeks.