Saturday, November 26, 2005

Must keep old things

I’m a hoarder; I got it from my Mum. It is an annoying habit, but it is interesting on the odd occasion when you clean out the contents of your desk. Interesting contents I found:

  • Spiritual diaries (titled Mere Reflections One and Two) from many years back (1997 and 1998) funny I’m still praying the same prayers and struggling with the same things. I was so blatantly optimistic, now I’m a seasoned cynic (I blame Sociology).

  • Poetry – really bad poetry from when I was 17 or 18.
  • Photos of my trip to the US, Seventh Form formal and school production (ah good times).
  • A letter from Honduras (from Victor my World Vision child) and here I was thinking he had never written to me. Sometimes I’m amazed at how bad I am at organising anything.
  • My “goodbyes” book – the one you get everyone to sign on the last day of school. Also the one from the time in the states.

I did throw out quite a bit of stuff though.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

We need the ladies.

My Church has got an indoor soccer team but we entered it in to a mixed grade. So we need the ladies who want to play indoor soccer if you are keen for a Tuesday evening game of soccer, please tell me. No elaborate soccer skills required you just have to be a member of the fairer sex.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

I had my second speaking engagement at Church this morning. The pastor asked me to talk a few weeks ago, so I kind of shared a little bit of my testimony and my experience of being a bored, tired and ineffective Christian and how I got out of my “slump”.
I talked about DRUGARM and it was funny after the service I had the chance to talk to three different people who had come into contact with DRUGARM before.
All where former, current or reformed sniffers and prostitutes. It was pretty crazy and I had a few people who are interested in doing DRUGARM so that’s cool.
I wasn’t too nervous and I survived. It didn't help in my attempts to shake off the “pastor Steve” nickname that the youth group has given me. Huh last week it was “Dr. Steve” I’m not sure if that’s a promotion or not.
Last week my Church had the “youth band” (who don’t have a catchy pop name yet) leading worship. Yay I like our Church now, you can hear the guitar and there is a bass guitar that drowns out the recorder. The “new” pastor is cool and I have started meeting with him regularly. Its cool but the young people are still leaving for bigger inner city Churches.

Thursday, November 03, 2005


I have had an idea.
I was thinking that the South Island of this beautiful country is worth checking out, so why not go on a road trip or the traditonal "kiwi summer roadie".
But this roadie would not just be any old roadie; it would be the roadie to end all roadies.
I’m proposing a roadie without petrol in fact a roadie without a car.
What I’m talking about is hitching around this wonderful island, but I don’t want endless hours in cars with strangers, so I want a roadie homie.
If you want to come around the South Island with me please tell me. We could even turn it into an online roadie and make a blog out of it why not eh? I’m thinking around mid-late January through to February or an alternative is hitching to the ‘chute which would also be cool complete with music to cap it all of.