Saturday, February 12, 2005

Victor, My World Vision Child. Look at that smile  Posted by Hello

Mixture of random thoughts

Hey Everybody, about time I blogged again. Hmmm what has happened...
Oh Parachute...Everyone else that went has already blogged about the chute so I wont I will just say I like musicians called Shawn (or Sean) of the Macdonald and Clancy variety. On the way back from the Chute I went to Auckland to stay with the "Auckland Thornes" a more sane branch of the Thorne family (less pesticide on this side of the family tree :0). They had friends from the UK visiting so we went to Waiheke Island...Which is like an art gallery on the middle of an Island in the Hauraki Gulf. It is not actually an Art Gallery, but it has lots of crafts shops, art galleries, vineyards and restaurants. Kind of like Auckland's Akaroa.
I also signed up to sponsor a World Vision Child, (Not on Waihke Island at the Chute) his name is Victor, he is from Honduras, he is 5 and his birthday is he day after mine on a 18 year delay. I will post a picture of him when I get my scanner to work.
Anywho, I got back and started my new job at BP, which is not very exciting but they are giving me plenty of hours and they pay is bordering on being legal.
I had my interview for the ESOL course I am planning to do, at my mum's school :), mum didn't do the interview though. I had to do an English test, it had grammar questions, correcting a piece of writing and spelling. I am a really bad speller, there was this list of words and half of them were spelt wrong I looked at them and felt like saying "you left out the ones that are spelt wrong !?" They all looked fine to me on second (and tenth inspection) sure enough some of them were spelt wrong, fancy that. Anywho to cut a long story short I got accepted, the course is in April for two weeks intensive then every Saturday till July.
He he, James and I went to see Andre get back from Mongolia the other day. We decided we would help him get accustomed to our "summer" because he is been in a Mongolian winter, so we dressed up in summer clothes when it was real cold out side and went to the airport. Waited around for ages eventually Andre came through customs all dressed in Mongolian garb, a funny circus monkey hat, a long thick lined Del (kind of a kimono on steroids) and Yak fur shoes that looked like plaster casts and a beard. Apparently, he had problems get through customs, they thought he looked suspicious :) wonder why Andre? Jokes aside welcome back Andre.
I managed to not by any CDs at the Chute, I am trying to cut down on my purchases of music CDs they are one of my two impulse buys, CDs and books. I went and bought two the other day...In the Name of Love, Christian Bands do U2 Covers, which are mostly really good, I like Audio A's version of "Gloria", Pillar's "Sunday Bloody Sunday" and Delirouis' "Pride" and Todd Agnew's "When Love Comes To Town". Some are not that great like Jars of Clay's version of "All I Want is You". Some are wired like a Hip hop version of "With or Without you" by the Grits which is kind of growing on me. The other CD was Simply Nothing by Shawn Macdonald which is really good.
I think I have ran out of things to blog.