Friday, January 20, 2006

The Good

I have another game of cricket this Saturday. I like cricket, cricket is the good. It is even more fun when you are playing “social” cricket. It was quite funny, last week the players in the other team were actually “drinking” in the drinks break (like alcohol). Can you imagine that in a game of rugby “Half-time is Pint-time.” In “social” cricket the batting team provides umpires, it is quite funny watching the umpires having a sneaky drag on their smokes. Then in between the innings the players have some pies to help with their fielding!! Our team is a Church team so there are no sneaky pints, or sneaky drags or even sneaky pies not that pies are bad. Pies are the good.
On Tuesday I had a game of indoor football. Football is the good. I was goalie AGAIN I always end up in goal. No one else is dumb enough to stand in front of a target. It sounds pretty dumb when you put it like that, can you imagine a “goalie” in darts, standing in front of the target and preventing the other person from scoring – that sounds like fun anyone for darts?
Then on the way home from football I saw some guys playing basketball, so I stopped and joined in! Then after a couple of games I started driving home and went past another basketball court with another group of guys playing. I can’t help myself. Its great fun, dropping in on random games of basketball. Basketball is the good.


Blogger Steve-a-saurus said...

The first game i had never meet them before.
The second game i knew one of them from last time i crashed a game :)
I spose that makes me a "game-crasher"

11:41 AM  

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