Friday, December 09, 2005

Beginings and Endings

Well it’s nearly the end of the year, that time when we look back and think about our lives and what we have achieved or haven’t achieved in another year.
So here it is with thoughts form the Semisonics “Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end.” (Closing Time) With that gem of pop culture here it is a year in the life of Steve.

It was the best of times it was the worst of times.
2005 was a year when I began to work full-time.
It was a year when I learnt about myself and others.
It may be the end of my time as a teacher.
It saw the end of my year of independence, which came after the year of the rooster.
It was a year when my (extended) family had one wedding, two 21sts, a farewell, a homecoming, a baby and an adoption of sorts.
It was a year of confusion and frustration but also a year of opportunities, revelations, and breakthroughs. Hopefully the rest of the year and beyond will hold more of the same.


Blogger Steve-a-saurus said...

I don't know what i'm doing yet but I'm sure i'll find it before it happens!

8:50 AM  

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